The Healing Trauma Podcast

About Monique

Monique Koven, Trauma Coach

I Really Get It

I could not wait until childhood was finally over and I could live free and away from the terror and dread that I experienced in my childhood and teenage years. It was only to realize that it felt like I had not really escaped my childhood after all.

The feelings, sensations, patterns, responses, and stuckness were still very much alive and present in my body and affecting my life. I did not understand this because everything on the outside appeared well. I had a career I loved, a beautiful family of my own, and a great community of friends. I often felt stuck in responses and sensations that made little to no sense. Until I came across an understanding of Somatics and The Nervous system that things finally began to change.

And they can for you too.

Trauma is more than a past memory or an event. Trauma is what happens inside our body as a result of what happened. It is caused by an overwhelming response to actual or perceived threats in our nervous system.

The repeated intensity of the activation and charge without the safety of a compassionate witness that allows your system to settle and return to a sense of regulation may cause the nervous system to remain “ON”,  sometimes for decades, waiting for the next possible threat. 

Healing has many components including safety, connection to self and others, finding tools to support you in regulation, community , witness, empathy and more. 

















You Are Not Broken.

You Make Sense.


I obtained my Social Work degree from McGill University and worked as a Social Worker for over 25 years in a variety of social service and mental health and community settings.

  • Individual and group facilitator in Mental Health in both community and private settings.
  • Individual and Group Work with Holocaust Survivors and their families.
  • Individual and Group Work with Survivors of Childhood Trauma
Monique Koven at work
flowers and candle

Professional Training and Certifications

  • Professional Training with Deb Dana Foundations Of Polyvagal Informed Practice with The Polyvagal Institute

  • Somatic Experiencing International training
  • Inner Relationship Focusing Training
  • Professional Training with Dr. Janina Fisher, Healing The Fragmented Selves Of Trauma Survivors ( specific training to treat Complex Trauma ) Part’s Work /Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST)

  • Certified Trauma Integration Practitioner Training with The Attachment and Trauma Treatment Center For Healing, St. Catharine’s, Ontario

  • Trauma Recovery Certification with The International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching

  • Certification in Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies
  • Certification In Integrative Somatic Part’s Work
  • Strategies for Healing Trauma Following Domestic Violence Training

  • The Use of Self Compassion and Emotional Nurturance to Enhance Therapy and Promote Awareness and Agency Training

  • Attended Congress Attachment and Neurobiology of Healing 3 Day Conference, New York City
  • Complex Trauma Symposium with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk -McGill University, Montreal

  • Healing The Wounds Of Attachment Dysregulation In Adulthood Training

  • Mindfulness, Neurofeedback, and Trauma Therapy Training with Dr. Paul Frewan

  • Dissociation and The Body Training With Pat Ogden

  • Phase Based Clinical Applications To Promote Healing and Integration Of Trauma and Attachment Dysregulation Training

  • Healing Trauma Online Program with Dr. Peter Levine.

What Clients Say…